A Note

Hi! This is Kate here, and I would like to tell you I have enabled a comment moderation system on this blog. Thanks!

I would also like you to ask permission for the use of photos and things from our blog, as the things are normally ours, unless noted. If you would like to use things while I am away, you can if you give credit to this blog. Thank You!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Favourite photo Monday

Here is the photo:

A kinnikinnick

I took it while out hiking. It isn't a very tall flower. I think it was about an inch.



  1. Really pretty flower!!!!!!!!!!!!Cool name to. How do you prounce kinnikinnick ????????????????

  2. Ki_nick_ki_nick. The i is pronounced like it is in it.

  3. Hi Echo

    Director Roo here :)

    Sorry for the delay in production. I posted a note about it on my site butt didn't duplicate it on the theater site.

    Basically, given the Blogville Olympics event, we put the theater on hold. We are producing the Opening Ceremonies as well as participating in many of the sporting events. We could not do both Olympics and the Theater show at the same time. It's very time consuming to create animation.

    We will recommence production on The Tainted Tree with the Super Pets entering the next Act after the Blogville Olympics has concluded (sometime mid August).

    If you'd like to participate in the Olympic events, here is the site for info on all the haps...


    Waggin at ya,

  4. Woof, I am only participating in one event, so I am a bit freer, I am waiting for August now! Woof! Echo

  5. Echo,

    I am sooooo busy right now with the Olympics. And will be for the next few weeks.

    I did get your questions...

    All I can say at the moment is...

    "Patience, All things will be revealed in time ;)"

    Please be patient.

    The Theater will come back to life in due time.

    Thank you,

  6. Woof! Sorry! Woof! I just get impation! Woof! Quickly. Woof! Echo.


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